Dinoflagellates are single-celled eukaryotes that belong to the kingdom Protista. They are considered to be among the most primitive eukaryotes. These organisms are mostly marine and photosynthetic in nature. They have characteristics of both plants and animals. Dinoflagellates are also responsible for phenomena such as red tides and bioluminescence on the ocean surface....
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Cuboidal Epithelium – Types Diagram, and Functions
The Cuboidal Epithelium is one of the types of epithelial tissue. The specific feature of this tissue is that all the cells are cuboid in shape. The main functions of epithelial tissue are protection, secretion, and absorption. The cuboidal epithelium is found in the linings of the ovaries, kidneys, salivary glands, and other large glands. The cuboidal epithelium is divided into various types according to its number of layers and structure....
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Diagram of Bacteriophage
A Diagram of Bacteriophage shows a highly specialized structure, designed for infecting bacterial cells. A bacteriophage structure is made of components including a head or capsid, tail, tail fibers, base plate, and genetic material. The diagram of Bacteriophage class 11 is an important concept in the biology syllabus....
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Integument in Biology
An integument is a layer or coating on the surface of an organism. It may cover the whole organism or parts of it, depending upon its nature and need. Integuments can include skin, hair, membrane, cuticle, etc., based on their function. The integument serves as the primary layer that separates underlying tissues & the external environment. The absence of this layer hinders the organism’s capacity to survive and operate....
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Difference Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Replication
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic replication differs a lot in terms of location, accuracy, time taken, enzymes used, etc. The major difference between these two is that in prokaryotes, DNA Replication occurs in the cytoplasm whereas in eukaryotes, DNA Replication occurs in the nucleus. Also, it is faster and more accurate in prokaryotes....
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Plant Cell – Definition, Diagram, Structure, & Functions
A plant cell is a fundamental unit of a Plant’s structure. A plant cell is a eukaryotic cell, i.e., it has a defined nucleus enclosed within a membrane. Plant cells and animal cells difference occurs as they possess unique features that allow them to carry out essential functions....
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Difference Between Plasma And Serum
Plasma and serum are both present in the blood, but the percentage of plasma is more in contrast to serum. Plasma is a pale-yellow fluid that can be obtained from anticoagulant-containing vials, which prevents the clotting of blood, and after centrifugation, plasma will be obtained. Serum is also yellow in color and is obtained after centrifugation of clotted blood. The percentage of plasma in blood is 55%. Both serum and plasma are used for diagnostic purposes....
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Diagram of Cell Cycle
The diagram of cell cycle provides insight into the essential process that all cells undergo to grow, replicate, and generate new cells. A cell cycle showcases a continuous sequence crucial for maintaining organism function and growth. The diagram of cell cycle class 11 is an important diagram which is often asked in the examination....
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Countercurrent Mechanism – Urine Formation and Steps
The countercurrent mechanism in kidney is a process of concentrating urine. It involves the flow of filtrate in opposite directions in the two limbs of the loop of Henle, which creates an osmotic gradient. This gradient allows the kidneys to reabsorb water from the filtrate and produce concentrated urine....
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Stratospheric Ozone – Causes and Effects of Ozone Depletion
Stratospheric ozone is a naturally occurring gas in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere) that filters the Sun ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Stratospheric ozone depletion allows more ultraviolet rays to reach the Earth’s surface harming the animals and plants. The ozone layer absorbs UV radiation, limiting its reach to the Earth’s surface, and also generating heat that helps regulate the atmosphere’s temperature structure. In this article, we will cover Stratospheric ozone production, depletion, ozone hole, the importance of Stratospheric ozone, and much more...
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Xylem – Overview, Definition and Functions
Xylem is a vascular tissue, observed in all vascular plants. It helps in water transportation, provides strength, and stores fats and carbohydrates. Based on origin, xylem can be classified into primary xylem and secondary xylem. The xylem is composed of different cells such as tracheid, vessels, xylem fibers, and xylem parenchyma. In this article, we will learn about xylem types, functions, composition, characteristics, etc....
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What is a Zygote?
A zygote is a diploid cell that forms during the fusion of two gamete cells (generally ovum and sperm cell) in the process of fertilization. It is a single cell with a complete set of chromosomes. It is also a blueprint of the entire organism. A zygote carries a diverse set of genetic information in an embryo inherited from both parents. In this article, we will look into the definition of a zygote, its formation, and its development process in detail....
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